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Interesting/Stupid Questions part 5 | ||
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<<<<----I/S Q's part 4                                               | ||
If the visiting team hits it, why is it still called a home run? Are black holes REALLY where God divided by zero? Back up my hard drive? How do I put it in reverse? If you steal a clean slate, does it go on your record? Do fish get thirsty? If all is not lost, where is it? Should crematoriums give discounts for burn victims? If a mime is arrested do they tell him he has the right to talk? Why do they put Braille on the drive thru bank machines? Is it true that cannibals won't eat clowns because they taste funny? Can you imagine a world without any hypothetical questions? Why is it that the early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese? Who coined the phrase coined the phrase? Why do they call it evaporated milk if its still there when you open the can? Are fish ticklish? Why is ice frozen in cubes? If Fed Ex and UPS were to merge, would they call it FedUP? How come you never hear about gruntled employees? If a tin whistle is made out of tin (and it is), then what, exactly, is a fog horn made out of? Why is it called lipstick if you can still move your lips? Why is it that night falls but day breaks? Why is the third hand on the watch called a second hand? Can you buy an entire chess set in a pawn-shop? Did Noah keep his bees in archives? Do jellyfish get gas from eating jellybeans? |
Why is the third hand on the watch called a second hand? Can you buy an entire chess set in a pawn-shop? Did Noah keep his bees in archives? Do jellyfish get gas from eating jellybeans? Do stars clean themselves with meteor showers? Have you ever seen a toad on a toadstool? How can there be self-help "groups"? How do you get off a non-stop flight? How do you write zero in Roman numerals? How many weeks are there in a light year? If a jogger runs at the speed of sound, can he still hear his walkman? If athletes get athlete's foot, do astronauts get mistletoe? If cats and dog didn't have fur would we still pet them? If peanut butter cookies are made from peanut butter, then what are Girl Scout cookies made out of? If white wine goes with fish, do white grapes go with sushi? If you can't drink and drive, why do bars have parking lots? Do Lipton employees take coffee breaks? What hair color do they put on the driver's licenses of bald men? Why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle? If ignorance is bliss, why aren't more people happy? How come wrong numbers are never busy? Do people in Australia call the rest of the world 'up over'? Does that screwdriver belong to Philip? Does killing time damage eternity? Are part-time band leaders semi-conductors? |
<<<<----I/S Q's part 4                                               | ||
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