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March 3, 2003 |
Cookies, Woodchucks, Losing my mind during Econ.... Masochism? |
03/03/03 Three things made my day.. how appropriate for 03/03/03 1) The fact that it is 03/03/03 2) A sudden revelation this morning during breakfast�that explains the intuition that the actions of wood chucking woodchucks have significant political ramifications. Let me explain. The question of how much wood a woodchuck can chuck has come up often. Now, different people have different ideas. Some claim that a woodchuck will chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could. Others claim that it will chuck only a little. ������ a)�There is a woodchuck named Chuck Wood (that IS a legitimate name - there's a bunch of people with that name on ICQ) who is the leader of all the wood chucking woodchucks.� �������b) Woodchucks are rodents, like squirrels. There are MANY squirrels all over campus. ������ c) On Wed, March 5, there will be a don't-go-to-class strike to protest the war. ������ d) Woodchucking rodents won't go to class on Wed. Therefore, they are inciting political action. There. Done. Does that get me a BS in Squirrel-ology? (A major that my 8 year old cousin wants). 3) COOKIES! Wow, very unexpected. For signing a guestbook entry that Elusive5Point0 found worthy of cookies. Very nice surprise! Now, the ungood part - Econ midterm. Gah! Glad it's over. I don't want to see the score - it is worse than my first midterm. Ignorance is bliss. But I know I'll go check as soon as I find out they are posted online. (I hope the mean is very low) I must be some kind of masochist because as hard as school and class work gets, as little sleep I get, as practically to nothingness that my social life has shrunk too - ok, except IMing... I still love Stanford. I would not give up this insanity for attending any "easier" school. I cannot emphasize enough the amazingness of people here. Conversation during dinner was very strange but very fun. I still maintain that you don't know if a cow wants to be steak. Also, during Econ midterm, or rather, during the few minutes before the horror (reference to Heart of Darkness),�a TA asked if all students had an exam. Many without raised their hands. Richard said�he wouldn't mind donating his midterm to some of those deprived students. I said we should make a tax-deductible donation of our econ midterms and finals. In fact, if all of us donated our midterms and finals, we would affect GDP because tax revenue would decrease. Government Deficit would increase. This is my statement. Can I have an A? Richard told me I was losing it. Me: What do you mean? It's BEEN lost! Is there a major where I can spew crazy stuff? Ya, that'll be me. A BS in spewing crazy-pseudo-academic stuff. "If you could read my mind, from your world..." The 3 things aforementioned still balance out the midterm. |