On the same day, a New York taxi driver and a priest died.
Upon arriving in heaven, the priest sees the taxi driver in line right in front of
himself. The taxi driver is dressed very sloppily in loud clothes. then he sees St. Peter
greet the taxi driver before giving him a silk robe and a golden staff. The taxi driver
enters heaven and it's the priest's turn. St. Peter greets the priest and gives him a
cotton robe and a wooden staff. Before entering the kingdom of heaven, the priest asks,
"Why do I get things that are made of much less worthy material whereas that taxi
driver got stuff made of valuable material and I spent my life with the church whereas
that taxi driver just drove people around in New York?" "In heaven, we reward
based on results," came the answer, "While you were preaching, people were
sleeping. While he was driving people were praying for their lives."